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Monday, January 28, 2008

Monday morning - up early and installing...

So I am starting to install the software for the project and although I have installed PHP before, it is something that, if you haven't done it a lot, you really need to have a guide to make sure you do skip something. A great install guide is here .

After installing the files and configuring the .ini and IIS, I loaded test.php and everything is working brilliantly! (test one down.)

Ran the MySQL 5.0 install…3 minutes. Easy peesy

Ran the MySQL GUI toolkit (choose that over the phpmyadmin program) and other 2 minutes.

So that stuff is all setup, I went in and inspected the MySQL setup and it seems to be all okay, I didn’t change anything from the original install.

So my next step is to install the phpwiki…

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